Since the launch of Cornemuse’s website, FAQs have been posted regularly to answer questions which newcomers often ask about our website and related products. If your question does not appear in our FAQ list, or if you have technical difficulties browsing on the website, write to us, and we will reply to you as soon as we can.

Thank you for your interest; your comments are always welcome.

How Can I play Games, View Videos or Hear Sounds?

My child has joined Cornemuse Friends’ e-mail list but s/he hasn’t received her/his birthday card yet. What should I do?

If my child and I become members of Cornemuse’s Club, which new activities will we have access to?

Where can I find song lyrics, music, photos and other products from the TV series?


How Can I play Games, View Videos or Hear Sounds?

To play the games available on the website, you must download Flash 6.0. To view the videos and hear the sounds, you must download Quick Time. In both cases, just follow the instructions.


My child has joined Cornemuse Friends’ e-mail list but s/he hasn’t received her/his birthday card yet. What should I do?

By joining Cornemuse friend’s e-mail list , both the child and the parent receive a sign-up confirmation. Have you received yours?

If neither of you has received any confirmation, perhaps there was a mistake in the e-mail address you sent us (yours or you child’s).

For instance, perhaps we have been provided with an e-mail address containing a spelling mistake (e.g., instead of or a domain name that doesn’t exist (e.g., instead of Make sure your e-mail address doesn’t contain any mistake.

If there are mistakes, you need to modify your e-mail address in your child’s Profile. To do so, you need to use your child’s password.
If you forgot the password, you can register your child again by clicking on “ Cornemuse’s Friends”.

If your child still doesn’t receive any birthday card, write to us! We will correct the situation as soon as possible.


If my child and I become members of Cornemuse’s Club, which new activities will we have access to?

You will have access to a wide range of activities relating to one of the episodes offered on the DVD you purchased:

  • Hello!
  • Animal of the day
  • Song
  • Game
  • Real Life Game
  • Capsules
  • Goodbye!
Topic no 1 :
Behave aggressively toward the baby

Topic no 2 :
Exclude a girl from a boys’ game

Topic no 3 :
Help your child share the attention and love that you give him

Topic no 4 :
Help your child understand that it is normal to be excluded from his older brothers and sisters activities

Even better, each DVD features a special event (Halloween for DVD vol. 1, Christmas for DVD vol. 2, Easter for DVD vol. 3 and Holidays for DVD vol. 4), where many craft, coloring and drawing activities are offered along with fun recipes for children to make.

Halloween :

  • Craft a mask for Rafi
  • Dress up Cornemuse’s friends
  • Prepare a flowered cactus to eat
  • Make a cocktail with toad’s spit

Christmas :

  • Make place mats for your friends
  • Decorate the Christmas tree
  • Make breakfast
  • Build delicious snowmen

Easter :

  • Create an Easter farm with Cornemuse
  • Dress up some rolls to put chocolates eggs in them
  • Create a story : The Grey Cat, the Hairy Dog and the Spider in a Robe
  • Create another story : A Colored Pencil Story

Holidays :

  • Choose a game to bring with you on the holidays
  • Bring one of your hand-colored bookmarks to give to a friend
  • Create a story : The Child, the Butterfly and the Elephant
  • Create a story : Amazing Baby


Where can I find song lyrics, music, photos and other products from the TV series?

We invite you to visit our Merchandizing section available on the producer’s website at This section features all Cornemuse videos; it also gives you more details about products available in stores.

Though the wide range of our products seem to meet most of our users’ needs, parents regularly ask for song lyrics or the series soundtracks. Unfortunately, these requests cannot be filled. As for film producers, TV producers are subject to copyright laws which forbid them from reproducing any of the content used in the episodes without permission and right payments. This procedure is long and expensive. This is why only a few select episodes are made available to the public. We cannot fill each individual request; however, we do take them into consideration when comes the time to select and make new episodes available on our website or on DVDs.

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