Theme    Hey! It was important!
Category    Relationships to the environment (games and toys)


    The renowned Today’s Parent Magazine allows parents to go navigating for information on their subject of choice. The home page is filled with interesting articles and specialists’ advice to wet your palette...
Suggested Readings

  • This is an information magazine for parents published in Montreal. It has also recently won an award in 2004 from the Parenting Publication of America:
    Montreal Families Magazine
    (Can also be found at the Québec National Library; ISSN 1492-0158)
  • These known psychologists have provided parents with a guide of effective strategies to help prepare children for life's challenges:
    "Raising Resilient Children" by Robert Brooks and Sam Goldstein
    (ISBN: 0-8092-9765-5; McGraw-Hill Books)
  • Renowned educator, mental training consultant and lifeskills programs creator, Dr. Terry Orlick, has written this book with a series of many others, to help parents nurture and respect themselves and their needs, to be able to take better care of their children's feelings:
    "Nice on My Feelings: Nurturing the Best in Children and Parents" by Terry Orlick, PH.D
    (ISBN: 0-921165-41-2; Creative Bound Inc.)
  • This beautiful story talks about the importance of liking yourself everyday; for ages 4-8:
    "I'm Going to Like Me, Letting off a little Self-Esteem" by Jamie Lee Curtis and Laura Cornell
    (ISBN: 0-06-024560-3; Harper Collins)

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